Merry Christmas One and All
It is obviously a Christmas album, but it is that season so something a little different seamed the best approach. Today’s recommendation from the unsolicited music recommendation service is, The Dawn of Grace by Sixpence None the Richer.
Todays recommendation from the unsolicited music recommendation service is, MTV Unplugged by Bryan Adams.
Todays recommendation from the unsolicited music recommendation service is, Koln Concert by Keith Jarrett.
Todays recommendation from the unsolicited music recommendation service is, Let Go by Avril Lavigne.
Todays recommendation from the unsolicited music recommendation service is, The Art of the Trio Volume 2 by Brad Mehldau.
Todays recommendation from the unsolicited music recommendation service is, Crosby, Stills & Nash by Crosby, Stills & Nash.
My top tip for the first day of teaching 2017-2018.
In a continuation of my unsolicited music recommendations series, todays recommendation is, Feeling Strangely Fine by Semisonic.
Recently I completed reading The Second Machine Age - Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew Mcafee.
In a continuation of my unsolicited music recommendations series, todays recommendation is a folk album, Threads by Ruth Notman.
This past week I have been at the MuSA 2017 Conference at Karlsruhe Germany presenting a paper as a result of a collaboration with a third year student. The conference was hosted by by the Karlsruhe Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikinformatik (IMWI).
Just a reminder today that memes aren’t facts.
So after much though I eventually choose a new laptop. This means it is time to move between computers you might find my procedure and check list useful.
As of the date of publication of this post I am not and never have been a member of any political party. With that said you have probably noticed I really enjoy following politics and commenting on them. Also I am an admire of conviction based politics and the integrity of Corbyn is admirable.
So with last nights election results which, other than the return of tories in Scotland, I don’t think were particular surprising in it is time to prepare for the battles to come.
Today is the General Election 2017 voting day so go vote!
In the UK we had for another general election Thursday is voting day. Don’t forget to go vote.
Perhaps like me you social media feed are full of slightly enraging posts about the Trump, Brexit and the upcoming UK election in which please enjoy this post are aim to enrage you regarding another topic.
In 2015 I posted the question I would have for the prime ministerial candidates in the UK election. I thought I would revisit this post in light of the current UK election but was surprised to realise how little they have actually changed.
Yesterday in the Guardian George Monbiot offered the best summary of the upcoming UK election so far.
If your in the UK and you are allowed to make sure you are registered to vote.
YouTube has been in the news this past week for two different issues related to its censorship decisions. Firstly the serving of paid for ads alongside material of an extremist persuasion Telegraph article. Secondly the possibly over zealous censorship with the restricted mode version of YouTube ABC News article. I am going to choose not to address these two issues directly and rather elect to consider the problematic situation YouTube finds it self in.
The SNPs call for another independence referendum was always going to be inevitable following the result of the EU referendum. In the first independence referendum, the argument was propagated that leaving the UK would cause Scotland to also leave the EU. Consequently as the UK government, campaigning to maintain the union, used this argument, it is hardly surprising that the SNP now seek another referendum.
With the recent WikiLeaks publication of Vault7 we, as the public, have again achieved a glimpse of the ambitions and capabilities of the security services, to keep us safe. If the future of mass automation and the self driving car is to be soon realised how does this future technology integrate with the ambitions of those who seek to keep us safe?
Uber, the riding sharing company, has recently under gone a run of bad publicity. Ok so maybe thats a understatement as #DeleteUber continues to trend. But are these perhaps just hallmarks of what is a fundamentally a toxic, but currently profitable, business model?
I think its fair to say that within the UK Tony Blair has become a somewhat reviled character. Many of the supporters would voted for him in the elections he won have since abandoned him and the centralist politics of new labor have certainly been abandon firstly in name of austerity and now in the name of Brexit.
With the release of yesterdays Housing White paper complete with a policy paper entitled Fixing our broken housing market is government about to take action?
After considering possible effective methods of protest recently I was greatly intrigued to see the outbreak of #DeleteUber.
Over the last few weeks, while taking a break from my normal commute, I have found myself considering what you do when you find the outcome of democratic process unsatisfactory. While you may anticipate that this came about due to the brexit and Trump results it was actually promoted after an email exchange with a local councillor.
While I do not tend to make resolutions (and certainly have never successfully kept any) I do use the start of a New Year to launch projects and start new ideas.