Fixing Our Broken Housing Market
With the release of yesterdays Housing White paper complete with a policy paper entitled Fixing our broken housing market is government about to take action?
The paper is rather frank at times,
This country doesn’t have enough homes. That’s not a personal opinion or a political calculation. It’s a simple statement of fact. (Secretary of State 2017)
The white paper offers the current preferred typical government strategy, placing targets for others and claiming it as action. Disappointedly in this situation the building targets set for others are perhaps under whelming and lacking in vision.
More fundamentally the white paper does little to deal with the the larger existential questions surrounding the housing crisis.
Is it appropriate for a substantial amount of the wealth of the UK to be trapped within property of which the appreciation of is almost unusable?
Should speculative, appreciation of fixed assets be the primary additional means of paying for elderly care and augmenting for pension income?
Is it appropriate the most substantial act of money creation in society is based around debt creation to purchase housing?
Does the government believe that the imaginable future of work is one which will support the ongoing purchasing of accommodation?
Is it acceptable for people to be homeless in 2017 in the UK?
It would be interesting to see a white paper which examines these fundamental housing questions.