A Website Redesign
A new look to my personal website. This redesign aims to reflect my changing interests and the exciting projects I’ve been working on lately.
Before I dive into the details, I want to give a heartfelt shout-out to the fantastic templates from HTML5 UP https://html5up.net/.
So, what’s new? Let me give you a tour:
I’ve put all my cool projects front and center. Wanna see what I’ve been up to lately? Just hit the homepage and boom - there it all is!
On the homepage there is an events section for my coming up events across my various projects, this might not always be up to date and will not be exhaustive.
Also added a summary of my recent writings and other outputs between the various projects that can be found here.
Have also add a recent reading section on the hompage as well. A Random selection out of this weeks reading that has made it into my quote bibliography.
Who knows if this will be the return to more consistent blogging, maybe?
The site is still built using Jekyll.