Allow me to take just a brief moment to wish all of my visitors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
So after talking about it for a while myself and Ash Sagar rode from Leeds to Manchester.
For some work I have been doing for GridGiant I have been adding Skype buttons to static sites. The Microsoft built JS Skype buttons offer useful device integration, however they also inject some inline css – rather unhelpful. Fortunately you can override inline css using ‘!important’ (a technique I was remind of here).
So was carrying out a security audit and came across an SSH key pair that had been setup without a password. Easy to fix just run this command on the file,
A neat trick I found today, if you include,
As part of this years creativepact I intend to post a picture a day taken with my phone.
Something that has been annoying me for a while is getting the bibliography to display correctly at the end of a latex beamer presentation, i.e. across multiple slides rather than off the bottom.
I have been developing a site using Ruhoh, a Ruby based static site generator. It use Moustache as a templating engine which I had not used before but am now very impressed with.
July the first 2013 marks the discontinuation of Google Reader, which is sad.
Today I finally took took the plunge and update to org mode version 8. As it had be announced as a major change and introducing breaks I thought I would give it a while.
Today while setting up a raspberry pi to be used as an airplay audio server I came across an error message which started,
Found this online here as a dirty way of getting synergy to boot on a debian rpi image at auto login.
After an overnight, with little sleep, in Stansted Airport I finally made it to the Live Code Festival in Karlsruhe. Enjoyed a stroll around the city and visit to the local museum, free on Happy Friday while enjoying the sunshine.
So due to the lull in PhD finishing actvities and in celebration of the Easter holiday I had the opportunity to enjoy a stroll and the southern end of the city of Manchester to take some photos.
So with Google having given notice on Reader it was time to look for a replacement and the first candidate to try was Tiny Tiny RSS.
So the default installed detailed in the earlier post leaves you with a broken mobile install. When you visit the URL it auto redirects to a location with nothing there.
So today was my longest bike trip yet (30 miles) with a round trip to the M6, along the Trans Pennine Trail from Manchester.
After a week of many punctures around Manchester I decided it was time to upgrade my 15 year old tyres to new ones. Had a few suggestions from friends and ended up getting a set of Schwalbe Marathon Plus (26×1.5) tyres. The decision was made on the basis that most of my riding is done on the road now and the little off road I do tends to be on cycle paths and the such.
Had the opportunity this evening to get along to the last Freedom Principle, at least the last one at Sandbar.
So rode home from Willslow via Manchester airport an enjoyable ride and means that I have know riden the whole of the Manchester Airport Orbital route in two sessions.
Last Saturday I enjoyed a trip to the Manchester Opera House to see The 39 Steps. A comedy version of the Alfred Hitchcock classic. Was very, very funny with the small cast of 4 (plus a ninth hand) giving a great showing, I think my highlight was the scene on the train, in which even Durham got a brief mention! Plan to do more theatre trips in the future.
So if like me you are a Google Reader user you will have received the upsetting news that Google reader is to shutdown (Official Announcement). ARGH!!! I have been a long term users of Google Reader and actually tend to browse through it rather use the actual websites.
So after talking about it for a while we finally decided to get netflix and stop buying DVDs.
For a while I have been writing most of my documents in a combination of Org-Mode and Latex and keeping the folders under Git version control.
While preparing some lecture notes in Org mode to be exported using Beamer, this error message confused me today and prevented the pdf being built.