SOPA Blackout

January 19, 2012 - Scott Hewitt

So if you visited the site yesterday you would not have seen much as I was taking part in the anti-SOPA protest by blacking out this site. While I hope it did not upset anyone I am aware that some offense was caused. I do however honestly believe that the passing of SOPA and similar legislation is a dangerous step, which compromise the ability of people to communicate and gain understanding.

On the Tuesday 24th January 2012, the US Senate will vote on the internet censorship bill.

Whilst it is an American law, it has far reaching repurcusions for the web as a whole.

There are many companies against SOPA, such as Google, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and today I am lending my weight to the argument by taking my site down for the day.

If you think SOPA doesn’t affect you, please think again. Watch the video below, or use the form below to force politicians to take notice.