SSH Tunnel Home
So after a few unsuccessful battles with VPN options I reimplemented my SSH Tunnel solutions.
ssh -ND 9999 user@host
Doing this offers you a socks proxy at the local port 9999 down the default ssh port.
If you are behind a firewall which blocks ssh a good option is to use port 443 just like https
ssh -ND 9999 user@host -p 443
If you do this though you will need to either get your server firewall to reroute the packets to the correct port or else bind your ssh server directly to port 443.
And why do this?
Well if you are on an open wifi connection then this allows you to browse the internet privately without having to worry about people capturing your data. In fact doing this means you do not have to trust the wifi provider in anyway, as all of your communications that you choose to route through the tunnel are encrypted.
I feel this post should lead onto a post about keys rather than passwords or how to change the default ssh ports so it might.