Borders, Chance and Justice

September 5, 2015 - Scott Hewitt

With the powerful images of Alan Kurdi body saturating the press the ongoing humanitarian disaster gripping the various dysfunctional nations surrounding Europe seams to have taken a welcome step towards an engaged response.

I personally was glad to see Giles Fraser article, within the Guardian, accurately portraying a biblical position of accepting all who seek refuge. While there may be a temptation to ridicule this fundamentalist, simplistic answer based on its practicalities, one could choose to ridicule biblical instruction based on its numerous claims of dead people coming back to life rather then practicality of implementation.

Essentially though the instruction of scripture reflects the reality that ones position at birth, utterly beyond the control of the individual often becomes the defining feature of an individuals life. So when we consider individual eligibility to travel across borders I think we should do so with a keen awareness that but for divine will, or chance we to could find ourselves on the wrong side of a border.