Now A Jekyll Blog

April 2, 2015 - Scott Hewitt

After a number of weeks of work I have finally completed the move of away from the wordpress site of the last few years and onto a Jekyll built static site.

While Wordpress has served me well for the last few years the effort of maintaining multiple wordpress installs, constantly plugging security holes and trying to keep the site nice and fast in use has a become a time drain.

So I felt it was time to try a static site approach. Static sites remove the hassle of maintaining dynamic server and instead allow you to just build pure HTML files instead. This means that every page has a unique file representing it and also that the site is much quicker to serve.

I also felt it would be time to have a little redesign as well and so have shifted to pre-processors as well.

While I have tried to maintain URLs I suspect that some will have been lost as this is the forth website that has occupied this URL since my first blog post on the 7th April 2008.