The End Of Huddersfield
So today marked the day I completed my move out of Huddersfield; I am now a resident of Manchester.
Susanna, the cats and I are all now across in Manchester though I expect to be commuting to Huddersfield University as I continue lecturing there. (More about my work this year later this month.)
A quick reminisce about the past and the cool things that have happened in Huddersfield, the establishment of the Inclusive Improv, Week(end) of Speakers, Creative Pact, The Huddersfield Experimental Laptop Orchestra, HELOpg, the starting of The Audio Podcast, HWOP, the formation of the On Time Production House, the 2011 ICMC UnConf, hosting Sonic Arts Meeting Groups and the Laptop Christmas Party – many of these will continue.
The Manchester move is really exciting prompted by various work opportunities and a desire for a change of pace and scene. I will however miss the various friends and the church I have attended in Huddersfield.
I have been talking about the move on my daily podcast as part of creativepact.
The move has also trigger a reconsideration of priorities as I feel a return to commercial work with a strong ethical focus, consequently I all ready have a number of secret projects I can not share fully. But internet and housing are in the mix.
And looks really cool.